
the very heart of the Herefordshire 'Black & White' trail

Sea Shanties at the Village Hall

Enjoy an evening with "The Lower Deckers" along with a Fish & Chip supper (cooked by Graham of the Unicorn Inn)

SATURDAY, 12 OCTOBER at 6.00pm

Tickets £12


Talk by Clara de Sousa Cunha, Portable Antiquities Finds Liaison Officer Herefordshire & Shropshire

MONDAY, 23 OCTOBER at 7.30pm

Weobley Village Hall

"Bring along your own finds to show"

Free to members Guests £3


Weobley's Craft and Food Fair is coming to the Village Hall this November and is the perfect place to pick up those Christmas presents and gifts that you've been looking for.

Weobley Village Hall

Can you spare a couple of hours to help tidy up the Churchyard?


Please contact Sam Phillips at

admin@weobleyand staunton.org


THURSDAY, 17th OCTOBER at 7.30pm

When residents begin to receive wicked letters full of hilarious profanities, foul-mouthed Rose is charged with the crime. However, as the town's women investigate, they suspect that something is amiss, and that Rose may not be the culprit after all.



Drs Oliver and Rachel Penney along with

Lorna Williams tell with slides how our donations help their work in the poor but vital Kagando Hospital.

Weobley Village Hall



If you're counting down the days to Christmas then you mustn't miss the Weobley Parish Church Christmas Fayre.

Music, refrershments and some great ideas for christmas presents too

2.00pm - 4.30pm

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Pictured is Steve after a tricky morning reassembling the popular Rotabounce.


For those with curious kids,-"Where's the thing that goes round and round and up and down gone?" The answer is the play area activities had to be removed and repaired by skilled volunteers, Steve Dartnell and Colin Mills .... but now it's back!

Now young climbers can develop their scrambling and climbing skills knowing they'll have a soft landing if they miss their footing, after many local volunteers pitched up to spread and level five tonnes of woodchip over the three 'fall' areas at the play area. Many thanks to all who helped.

                  P.A.T. (Play Area Team)

Every Tuesday 9.30-11.30am

Our Parent, Baby and Toddler Group is open every Tuesday morning from 9.30am to 11.30am.

There is a small charge of £3.50 for each family to help cover the cost of a drink & snack for each parent but do please bring along a drink for your child.

Join us for a walk around Weobley

Most Saturday mornings there are organised walks along the extensive footpaths around the village and we have two groups - the first starting at 08.00am at the Wild Goose Chase for those with dogs (although if you don't have one, you're very welcome to join in) and the second starting at 09.00am at the Rose Garden for those who prefer to walk without dogs.

Everyone is very welcome whether you're a regular or just visiting the village.

Keeping your mind & body active in Weobley

We have a huge range of clubs and socities active on our doorsteps just waiting to welcome you. From Art Classes to Yoga and loads in between, why not take a look at the list of Weobley and District Clubs & Socities on the Community page to see what's waiting for you.

Bringing us close to our local nature

Meeting on the first Thursday of each month at the Village Hall, the Weobley Branch runs a packed agenda of events throughout the year with guest speakers,  outdoor activities, visits to local sites of natural interest and lively Q&A sessions.

Why not come along and join in. Everyone's welcome.

Keeping Our Local History Alive

The Society runs an active calendar of events throughout the year, meeting at the Village Hall with visiting speakers on the 4th Monday of each month January to April and September to November with visits & summer events June to August.

To find out more about us and forthcoming events, please contact John Shutler at [email protected]

The Museum is open every Monday 10.00am -13.00pm and Thursdays 2.00pm - 5.00pm. However our curators and volunteers are still available for research enquiries via e-mail at [email protected] should you need their help or assistance.

Exploring Weobley Museum

Speeding in the Village

Speed limits are set for a reason and exceeding them is illegal. The minimum penalty for speeding is £100 fine and three points added to your licence. Receiving 12 or more points within three years may disqualify you from driving. 

If you’re a newly qualified driver and receive six points during the first two years after passing your test, your licence will automatically be cancelled (revoked). To get it back you’ll need to apply and pay for a new provisional licence and pass both theory and practical tests again.

If you see Speeding in Weobley, report it.

As part of Operation Snap, members of the public can report and submit digital footage to West Mercia Police showing potential traffic offences via a secure online form.

This can range from driving dangerously or carelessly to overtaking on solid white lines, using a mobile phone while driving, ignoring traffic lights or dangerous driving around other road users, such as horse riders and cyclists.

Please note; issues with number plates, windscreens and minor traffic offences are unable to be dealt with via Op Snap and general parking complaints should be raised with the relevant local authority. Notification of untaxed vehicles can be reported directly to DVLA, reports of no MOT or no insurance should be logged to 101, not via the Op Snap portal.

Your County, Your Views

The new Local Plan will determine growth and development in Herefordshire over the next 20 years. Place Shaping explores options on areas for new housing and employment across the county.

Sign up to news updates below to stay informed about the new Local Plan. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] 

Don't forget. The Mobile Post Office van visits the village centre twice a week

Monday : 13.30 - 15.00hrs & Wednesday : 09.45 - 11.15hrs

Broad Steet, Weobley

Are you struggling?

The Household Support Fund is there to help low income households.  It provides immediate help for those who are struggling.  This could include help with your energy, water, as well as other essentials such as food, clothing and hygiene products.

To find out more, call 01432 383838 or use the link below.

Different ways to report crime. Clue: using Facebook is not one of them