Weobley Community
Weobley Branch of the Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
Our vision is for a Herefordshire richer and more diverse in wildlife, bringing people closer to nature and as part of The Wildlife Trust movement we are part of an independent, autonomous charity with its own Trustees. Meeting regularly on the first Thursday of each month at the Village Hall, we are usually joined by a guest speaker and enjoy a lively Q&A session. Everyone is welcome so do come along.
Weobley Branch Programme Secretary : Pamela Dunthorne - e-mail : [email protected]

Film Night @ the Village Hall
On the third Thursday of each month (except July & August), the Gadbridge Granada Cinema presents a recent and carefully chosen film. Doors Open at 7.00pm and seats are just £5.00 each.

Inspiring women - then & now
In 1915 the Women’s Institute (WI) set out to give women a voice and to be a force for good in the community. Since then, membership and ambitions alike have grown and changed tremendously. Today, the WI are the largest women's organisation in the UK and take pride in being a trusted place for women of all generations to share experiences and learn from each other.
Weobley WI meetings are held at 7.30pm on the second Monday of the month in Hopelands Village Hall. There is always something different on offer: a talk, craft activity, demonstration or social evening. Come along for a chat and a laugh, with refreshments at the end of each meeting. Visitors (women only, sorry) are always made most welcome!
Please check out our website on the link below. If you would like to know more, use the “contact” link on our website or phone Cate South (Secretary) on 0787 666 8226.
Cate South on 01544 340364
Weobley & District Gardening Society
With a new committee and an encouraging number of new members, we are delighted to welcome you to our growing season. Our Cafe style monthly meetings allow for drinks to be bought along and enjoyed whilst listening to our knowledgeable speaker, and of course after each evening's presentation, we have our usual complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits for everyone.-To find out more, do please contact Richard Faulkner (Chair) on 01544 319032 or by email [email protected]
Programme of Events 2025
Annual Membership £15 - Guests £3 on the night
Thursday, February 13
The Hidden Gardens of Herefordshire with Alan Whitehead
Thursday, March 13
Murder, Magic & Plant Potions in the Garden - Marion Stainton
Thursday, April 10
Growing Vegetables with Phil Morris from The Cartshed
Thursday, May 08
Before and After - Weobley Gardens
Saturday, May 10
Plant Sale at the Village Hall 10.00am to 2.00pm
June Events TBC
Garden Visits
Sunday, July 06
Weobley Open Gardens and Allotments
Sunday, Aug 03
The Garden Show
Weobley Museum & History Centre
Our Museum is packed to the literal rafters with documents, artefacts, photography, maps and artwork about Weobley and the surrounding area - a real treasure trove for local history buffs.
We're open from April every Monday 10.00am -13.00pm and Thursdays 2.00pm - 5.00pm but the curators and volunteers are available for research enquiries via e-mail at [email protected]
Weobley & District Local History Society
The Society runs an active calendar of events throughout the year. Meeting at the Village Hall with visiting speakers on the 4th Monday of each month January to April and September to November with visits & summer events June to August.
Our FACEBOOK page (see link below) offers an update on the very latest news and views from the Society and includes a full listing of forthcoming events.
If you're interested in joining the Weobley and District Local History Society, do please contact the society's Secretary - Sue Browning, at [email protected]

Play Area Team
The Village Play Area is managed on behalf of the Parish Council by P.A.T. (Play Area Team), a group of dedicated volunteers who maintain the play equipment and structures, undertake repairs and generally help to keep everything in order. If you would like to know more about the group or perhaps might be interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Chris by email at [email protected].
Where : Gadbridge Road next to the Village Hall

Weobley's Footpaths & Bridleways
With more than 50 footpaths criss-crossing Weobley, we have access to some of the most beautiful countryside to be found right on our doorstep.
A team of volunteers help to maintain the network of paths, keeping stiles free from overgrowth, repairing stiles and bridges, along with hours (and hours) of strimming during early spring and throughout the summer months. We are always looking for extra help, so if you'd like to join our group to help with some of the general maintence. For more information contact either MIke Williams at [email protected] (telelphone 07920 441215) or Steve Dartnell at [email protected] (telephone 01544 318907).
Why not join us for a Saturday morning walk around Weobley
Most Saturday mornings there are organised walks along the extensive footpaths around the village.
Everyone is very welcome to join us whether you're a regular or just visiting the village.
8.00am Walk (with dogs)
Starting at the Wild Goose Chase for those with dogs (although if you don't have one, you're very welcome to join in).
9.00am Walk (without dogs)
Starting at the Rose Garden for those who prefer to walk without dogs. For more information contact Kate Best on [email protected] call 318513

Bus Routes serving Weobley Village

Weobley Parish Council
Our Parish Council meet each month at the Village Hall (excluding August and December) and where locals residents and businesses are welcome to attend and are given the opportunity to speak during the 'open session'.
To find out more about how the Parish Council operates and its current activities, please visit the Weobley Parish Council Web site or e-mail [email protected].

Weobley & District Clubs and Societies
Agricultural Improvement Society: Rachel Griffiths - 327343
Art Classes: Ian Welch - 07792 475136
Bell Ringers: Cath Brigg - 07890 263176
Bowling Club: Mrs Jean Bufton - 318659
Bridge Club: George Richardson - 318764
Burton Gardens Centre (sheltered housing): Day Warden - 318485
Burton Gardens Social Club: Roger Brown - 319359
Churches Together: Jo Ware - 318296
Craft Corner: Denise Massam - 319198 or Doreen Pollock 318837
Craft & Knitting Group: Joanna Helm - 01432 760816
Cricket Club: Burghill, Tillington & Weobley CC., Steve de Souze - 01432 356309
Dance Classes: (Aspire Dance Studios), Alex Thomas - 07971 446850
French Conversation: Ann Saunders - 319217
Friends of Weobley Parish Church. Jo Ware - 318296
Friendship Club, (Non-denominational, afternoon social club): Tia Lloyd - 318324
Gardening Society: Richard Faulkner - 319032
Herefordshire Nature Trust - (Weobley Branch): Stella Hurdidge - 318819
Herefordshire Golf Club: 01432 830219
Hopelands Supporters Club: Chris Harrison - 318294
Indoor Flying Club: Alan Jones -318522
Karate: Lee Taylor - 07976 914617
Keep Fit with NJ: 07387 581184
Knitting & Crochet Group: Kate Best - 318513
Line Dancing: Irene Jones - 318650
Low Impact Exercise to Music: Mandy Ware - 387958 / 07538 218273
Meals on Wheels: Pru Lloyd - 318349
Parochial Church Council: Sam Phillips - 07507 794779
Pilate Classes: Dawn Arkell - 01568 615239
Pottery Classes: Mary Kenny - 318557
Ring Craft for Show Dogs: Mike Hughes - 01597 822385
Royal British Legion (Weobley Group): Peter Hereford - 319223
Singing Workshops (Group Singing): Lydia Wells, G.R.S.M - 319138
Table Tennis Club: Dave Hamer - 318267
Tai Chi Classes: Ken Pearce - 01432 830332
Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing: Hilary Robinson - 319146
Weobley Carers Support Group: Barbara Symonds - 01432 356068
Weobley Cinema (The Gadbridge Granada): Alan Jones - 318522
Weobley Conservative Branch: Madeline Dixon - 319372
Weobley & District Local History Society: Sue Browning via e-mail at : [email protected]
Weobley Walkers: Malcolm Lloyd - 318324, Mike Ware - 318296 or Brian Holley - 318789
Walks without Dogs: Kate Best - 318513
Women’s Institute: Cate South- 07876668226
Yoga: Esther Browning - 07519 095067
Word on Weobley FACEBOOK
Word on Weobley is a local community facebook group to connect residents and fans of Weobley village. Here you can share news, exchange information, sell items and promote local services, pass on useful tips and help showcase Weobley life.

MAGPIE - Weobley's community magazine
For over 50 years, the 'Magpie' has been published monthly by a team of dedicated volunteers with the promise to keep residents and visitors informed about what's happening in and around Weobley. Many of our residents come to rely on the magazine to find people who can help with their gardening, cleaning, painting or to contacting a local business.
The magazine is on sale from a number of the village shops or by subscription, and for further information please telephone Gill Atkins on 01544 318320

The Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul

Catholic Church of St Thomas of Hereford
Kington Road, Weobley, HR4 8QS.
Parish Priest : Rev. Simon McGurk OSB - 01544 318325
Mass Times:
Sunday – 10.30am
Monday & Tuesday – 10am
Friday – 3pm
Holy Days of Obligation – 4pm

Weobley Methodist Church
1 Chapel Orchard, Weobley, HR4 8SP
Rev'd Paul Arnold - 01568 612406
[email protected]
Services each Sunday at 10:30 am

POLICE & Local Community Support
We have a very supportive Community Support Officer based at Kington Police Station and who can be contacted by dialing 101 ext 4535 or by e-mail on [email protected] and who also attends the monthly Parish Council meetings.
If you are witness to or have knowledge of any incidents in or around the Village, we would ask you to report these, either on 999 (for emergencies only) or 101 – or if you prefer to do this anonymously, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Useful Contact Numbers
Your local services in and around Weobley
Medical Services
Weobley Medical Centre : Gadbridge Road - 01544 318472.
- Out of Hours Medical Service dial 111
- Emergencies dial 999
Herefordshire County Hospital : Union Walk, Hereford: 01432 355444
Minor Injuries Unit : Leominster Community Hospital - 01568 614211
Weobley Dental Surgery : Gadbridge Road – 01544 318166.
Chemist : Leominster : Boots, Lloyds or Rees
Coronavirus - Talk Community Support
Herefordshire's Talk Community Covid-19 Response Team is on hand to provide help and support for the most vulnerable or those self-isolating who may find themselves with gaps in their support plans.
If you need help, contact the Talk Community Covid-19 Response Team on (01432) 260027 or email [email protected]
Community Support
- Herefordshire Carers Support : 01432 356068
- Red Cross : resources for the elderly - 01432 373020
- Samaritans : Hereford - 01432 269000 or 08457 909090
Vetinary Surgeries
- Arrowfield Veterinary Practice : Kington - 01544 230567
- Marches Veterinary Group : Leominster - 01568 612266
- Weobley Primary School & Nursery : 01544 318273
- Weobley High School : 01544 318159
Museum & History Centre
The Museum is closed to the public from 1st October 2022 until 31st March 2022. However, it is still possible to meet one of the curators by appointment for specific enquiries. Contact Sue Hubbard on [email protected] or Carole Page on [email protected]
The Museum will re-open on Monday 4th April 2022 and be open to the public on Monday mornings 10.00am - 1.00pm and Thurdsay afternoons. For further information, please telephone either 01981 590319 or 01544 318051.
The Library is open twice a week on Monday between 10.00 am - 1.00 pm and Thursday between 3.00 pm - 6 pm. For further information, please call 01544 318956.
Bus Time Table
For full details of the buses serving weobley village go to : https://bustimes.org/localities/weobley