Weobley Primary School

Our Breakfast club starts at 8.00am and runs up until the children start their school day. It is £3.50 to attend, but a free session is offered if 10 sessions are purchased at once. The children are offered breakfast where they can choose from an array of cereals, toast and fruit (food allergies/intolerances will be catered for).
Nursery from 2 years to School Age
We are delighted to be able to offer a nursery for children aged 2 and upwards. They are able to start in the nursery in the term following their 2nd birthday and which is run by our team which includes a full-time qualified class teacher, nursery nurse and four teaching assistants. We also offer a large and dedicated fully equipped classroom and outdoor play area for fun and games.

Thursday is 'Stay & Play' day
On a Thursday we run a 'Stay and Play' session in the morning from 9.00am through to10.30am where we welcome birth to school age children to come and play with their parents in our Rookery (portacabin in the car park) and where a member of staff will be there to lead the session.
It gives families a chance to get a feel for the nursery and meet the team as well as let the children have a play while parents relax and chat with other parents.
The school has an after-school club which is a separately run business, managed by a member of the school team. It is £9 to attend and runs until 5.15pm.
They offer a safe place for children to unwind after school, where they can have a healthy snack and gives parents peace of mind that their children are being well looked after if then cannot collet at 3.20pm.

Called the ‘CHILL Den’, the after-school club has its own Facebook page if you would like to find out more, use the link below
Find us on Facebook
Back to Nature
We are lucky enough to have our own forest school area within walking distance of the school and within the school we have trained forest school practitioners who lead sessions. The Forest School is available and used by all classes from Nursery to Year 6.